King John – from his troublesome fighting with his brother (Lionheart) to his troublesome time as King ending in Magna Carta and the Baron’s War. This SOW focusses on John’s policies both foreign and domestic and the consequences they had for his people. Works well as a stand alone SOW but is also integrated into the free to play History game world at (check it out if you haven’t already!)
Each lesson contains a quick start guide, literacy & numeracy starter, teacher narrative context pages (chance for you to do some storytelling !) plenaries, a range of active learning episodes and a focus on writing skills. Homework, EAL and stretch activity sheets.
The 7 lessons, along with the main lesson activities, are as follows:
- Richard I, Crusades & John (Plantagenet map relay, round robin Crusader battle reports, reading comprehension tasks, consult the codex activity).
- John’s Early Life (John v Longchamp card sort/PEEKA paragraph practice and assessment/consult the codex activity)
- John & Taxes (‘Be the teacher’ activity/essay construction practice/consult the codex activity)
- John & War (Army recruiter role play presentations & Bouvines video)
- Magna Carta (Baron grievances card sort/prioritisation tasks/PEEKA writing development)
- The Baron’s War (Round the Room battle reporting/descriptive writing task/videos)
- End of Unit Assessment (Planning and prep for a Narrative Analysis, Edexcel style Q on John’s legacy).
Hope it helps.
Remember – works best when the students are playing the (free!) King John game and completing the codex at the same time (perfect ongoing homework task or ict room lesson).
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