3 Lessons, 2 videos, 3 sets of flash cards, 3 Google quizzes - all to teach the basics of Python with a cool Artemis project twist.
To the moon!
Python: Introduction: Artemis Scenario 1:
The first lesson of the Artemis Python Project. Include step by step tutorial, set of flash cards, video tutorial and assessment quiz.
Purchase access to all Python lessons with 20% off by using the code 'WEIR' at www.wolseyacademy.com/shop
Python: Inputting Variables: Artemis Scenario 2
The first lesson of the Artemis Python Project. Include step by step tutorial, set of flash cards, video tutorial and assessment quiz.
Purchase access to all Python lessons with 20% off by using the code 'WEIR' at www.wolseyacademy.com/shop
Python: Data Types: Artemis Scenario 3
The third lesson of the Artemis Python Project. Include step by step tutorial, set of flash cards and assessment quiz.
Purchase access to all Python lessons with 20% off by using the code 'WEIR' at www.wolseyacademy.com/shop
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